Thursday, June 5, 2008

I got several inches of my summer top done today at the hairdresser while my hair was cooking. I found the pattern, Emerald Seas, on knitty and it's looking pretty good. I was telling David (said hairdresser) about the purses Jan & I designed on my trip to Phoenix. When I told him she was going to be selling the patterns on her website, he said we should make them...saying we could probably get $1,000-2,000 for an original design, sewn up. WOW...if anyone out there knows of someone who would like us to sew up an original bag for that...PLEASE let me know, I'll even ship it free!!

Tomorrow after work I'm heading to Athens (Ohio) to take Parker (child #3) to dinner, shop at the bookstore (don't know if I'll ever get back to Athens) and bring back a load of stuff...probably all dirty clothes! He graduates next Saturday (Ohio University) and this will enable him to fit the rest of his stash in his car when he comes home. Oh, I'm psyching myself up to having a child return home and messing up my domain. Let's hope he finds a job, saves $$ and moves into an apartment soon!! (really...I will love having him around for awhile)

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