Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dyeing Sock Blanks

Kendra and I dyed some KnitPicks sock blanks on Sunday. We both did scarlet and gray, making our own designs. It was so much easier than we thought and we didn't make a mess at all! I downloaded the freebie toe-up-2-at-a-time pattern from KnitPicks and really like the directions for the cast on, especially since it's NOT a provisional cast on. I'm almost to the heel flap (another plus with it being a flap, not short rows). The way I dyed the yarn, the cuff should look totally different from the foot. I'm anxious to get them done! I can see that dyeing could easily become yet another addiction.

We leave for Emerald Isle (Outer Banks area) the last week of the month. I can hardly wait!! I really need a vacation. We've rented a house right on the ocean. I will be content to just sitting, looking at the water with either knitting or a book in my hand. My major stress of the day will be when we determine where to go for dinner! I've decided to try some lace knitting for the trip. Since we're driving, I'll get that much more knitting in. I've got the yarn and pattern. The plan is to get it cast on and all the markers placed before we leave. I'm sure there will be some sock yarn in my bag, too.

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